Monday, November 11, 2013

I think for me it is not important how you travel, the important is to enjoy your trip with your boyfriend, friends, family or whatever who are  traveling. However depends on where you are traveling. In Calgary with this horrible weather I prefer a car. When I went to Miami the distances were far away, at the time I needed a car. In Europe it is very easy to travel by train and for me is perfect therefore is cheap, simple and fun. I Prefer to travel and enjoy all the best way, whether by train, plane, car or bus


  1. I agree, the train is the best way to travel in Europe because the service is frequent and it's easy to get from one city to another. Unfortunately, in Calgary and many other North American cities a car is necessary.

    I think for me it is not important how you travel; the important thing is to enjoy your trip with your boyfriend, friends, family or whoever you are traveling with.

    In Europe, it is very easy to travel by train and for me it is perfect; therefore, it is cheap, simple and fun.

  2. I absolutely agree with you, the most important it's enjoying and find the best way for travel.
