Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Favourite Season!! :)

      In Venezuela we don't have season, but I like the summer, it's great, for many reason. First, of all the weather is very nice, you can go out with only the t-shirt and shorts, you can go to the beaches, you can play so many sports.
Second, you can also eat different kinds of food, and everything is green and full of life I just love it that is one of the more important reasons that describes all my love for this season.
For all these reasons, the summer is the bets season for me.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard for me to imagine only having one season all year! For Canadians, we're used to big temperature difference through the year. It can easily go from +30C in the summer to -20C in the winter...that's 50 degrees! :)

    In Venezuela we don't have seasons, but I like the summer. It's great for many reasons.

    I just love it; that is one of the most important reasons that describes all my love for this season.
